The Red House (House of Parliament) was built in 1907, and it was destroyed in coup attempt in 1990. It was failure upon failure one after another from 1990 until they called us in 2017.
They wanted the roof done in 1 year - we went back and forth with them and didn't even start for almost a year after. We finally finished the project in 2019, and they had their grand re-opening January 24, 2019.
It's about 350 squares of Welsh Penrhyn Purple slate, about 300 squares of copper standing seam, about 2000' of copper box gutters, and nearly 20 squares of curved batten seam copper on the rotunda. We met with them and gave them new specs, brought in all the proper equipment and tools necessary to do the job, and trained their people on the install, while we did all the difficult details.